Things you didn’t know you needed in your wardrobe

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What comes to mind when you think about the things you need in your wardrobe? You most likely have specific things that come to mind. But have you ever given a thought to things you didn’t know you needed? Sometimes, you don’t know you need something until you discover it. 

A signature handbag

two ladies holding handbags

Have you ever waited till last minute to pack your everyday bag? I can’t even count how many times I’ve grabbed an armful of stuff to put in my handbag. Until, I got wise and desginated a handbag to everyday use. That soon became my signature bag. I keep all my essentials for going out in it. Makes it super easy to grab and run out the door. 

A clothing rack 

clothes and purses on rack

A rack to display clothing. Not only is it pratical. But you can hang all your everyday go-tos. Or display clothing for special ocassions or even clothes you’d like to see everyday. Whether it’s for pratical everyday use. Or something for display. It’s a great addition to every wardrobe. 

Closet Organization Items

walk in closet

Whether it’s a few cute hat boxes or practical storage items. Having closet organization items makes it so much easier to find things. And you won’t be making a mess, trying to find the things you are looking for. 

Matching Hangers

clothes hangers

Yes, matching hangers are something you need! Not only does it make your wardrobe look great. But it also is a very small detail people forget. It adds a little luxury to your closet. Simply by having everything go together.

Rain Coat with Matching Boots

feet in rubber boots, rain puddle, city

Have you ever looked out the window to only see that it’s raining? You either have to survive by running to the car. Or try to find that old rain coat. You may or may not have, Adding a rain coat with matching boots isn’t just a wise descion. But you won’t dread running to the car. If you aren’t trentch by the time you get there. Why not add a matching set? So you can run out in the rain looking cute. Instead of looking like a soaked cat. 

Jeans~ Just in Case!

stack of jeans

You either love them or hate them. But have you ever wondered about keeping a pair just incase? I’m not saying you have to keep a pair in your wardrobe. Especially, if you don’t like them. But it’s always a wise descion to keep a pair around just incase. 

A fluffy robe

person standing in robe with hand inside pocket

You know what makes getting out of bed easier? You probably thought of coffee or some other form of caffeine. For me, it’s a fluffy robe to wrap up in. Especially, on cold mornings. It’s a lot easier to grab something fluffy and stumble half asleep to where ever it is you need to go first thing in the morning. Instead of dragging yourself out of bed. To only find yourself freezing and wanting to crawl right back in bed. 

If you made it to the end. Thank you for reading! If you would like to read more… Here are some posts that could help you know what you need in your wardrobe. If you are interested in what classics to add to your wardrobe or how to build a wardrobe with classics. I would recommend reading What classics to add to your wardrobe and How to build your wardrobe with classics.


How to find the perfect jeans!


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