What classics to add to your wardrobe

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When building your wardrobe it can feel overwhelming at the start. Not sure what to actually put in your wardrobe. What you’ll actually wear, If you even like the piece of clothing. We are going to simplify it. Making it simple and easy to know what classics to add to your wardrobe. 

  1. What do you like to wear? 

young women standing in front of her closet deciding what to wear

The greatest place to start is your own clothes! Knowing what you like to wear can help build your wardrobe. Looking into your wardrobe. What do you see? Are you obsessed with wearing jeans or dresses and skirts? Maybe, you have a bit of both. Knowing exactly what you like to wear. Is the biggest step! To create your wardrobe. 

2. Know what you like! 

stack of jeans

If you prefer jeans to dresses. I would highly encourage you to build your wardrobe with jeans instead of dresses. Having things you’ll actually wear in your wardrobe is a great way to ensure you’re not wasting your money on items you’ll never wear. 

3. Invest in your items.

three friends out shopping

I also highly encourage you to invest in your items. With proper care, they can last a very long time. And you won’t have to worry about replacing the item. 

4. Start!

a person in a sweater and pants with hand in pocket

To start building your wardrobe I would pick two to three items at the start. For example, let’s go with a pair of jeans. I would make sure I have at least two to three different outfits. I could make with this one pair of jeans. Of course, you can make more. But having an idea of how you’ll wear things can also be a really big help. 

5. Plan your outfits.

woman writing in notebbok

Planning out what you will wear with what. Ensures you will always have an idea of what to wear. Even when you feel like you have nothing to wear. Having a base outfit can help you create so many more. With just knowing what outfits you’ve already worn and liked. Building up your wardrobe isn’t hard. We all purchase clothes and add them to our collection. The hard part comes with actually styling them. Creating outfits from the beginning helps you determine how you will wear the item from the beginning. Having a plan helps a lot with your wardrobe. 

I’ve assembled a list of classics you can add to your wardrobe. These are all suggestions. Entirely up to you what you put in your wardrobe. Just some ideas to get you started. 

A List of Classics Bottoms Jeans Trousers Pencil Skirt Leather Pants Dresses Shirt-dress Wrap-dress A-line dress A black dress Tops Basic Tee Button Up Turtleneck Long sleeved top Outerwear Blazer Trench Coat Denim Jacket Leather Jacket

If you made it to the end. Thank you for reading! If you would like to read more… Here are some posts that could help you add to your wardrobe. If you are interested in finding your classic style. Or how to combine a classy and trendy wardrobe. I would recommend reading these two posts. Finding your classic style and How to combine a classy and trendy wardrobe.


How to always feel put together!


How to combine a classy and trendy wardrobe