How to find your signature outfit!

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A lot of people overlook having a signature outfit. But the brilliance of creating your own signature outfit. Is when you are struggling to figure out what to wear. You can create a variation of your signature outfit. You may be wondering how to create your own signature outfit. I am going to give you my tips and tricks to help you find yours. 

Think Practically!

smiling model in sweater

It all depends on what you like to wear or what is needed in your everyday life. You have to think practically. Something that fashion doesn’t always do. But the over-the-top pieces have their places. Think of what you typically wear, Sorry to say… But we aren’t claiming pajamas and loungewear as a signature outfit. We are trying to create THE OUTFIT that becomes your signature outfit!

Envision yourself in the perfect outfit!

retro style woman portrait

It might take a minute of envisioning yourself. What are you wearing? What are you doing? I encourage you to daydream for a second. Because the perfect outfit will come to mind. Don’t worry if you feel silly. Just give yourself a minute to be silly. 

Embracing the vision!

woman with hat and flowers in field

The last step we discussed was to envision yourself in your perfect outfit. Which was either fun for you. Or you simply didn’t do it. Which is okay. You probably thought of what you wear everyday. Do you like what you wear everyday? Or would you like to change it? For our darlings who have to wear uniforms everyday. This might be impossible. And you might have to drudge through  those unflattering boxy designs. Which you have my sympathy. But on the opposite coin are our dreamers. The darlings who probably pictured themselves running through fields in cottagecore dresses or wishing they could be dressed like some fictional character. Which I am not going to tell you it’s impractical. Because you already know. Reality is a rude awakening from daydreaming. But how do you bring that vision to life? It’s simple. You incorporate things that make you feel like the darling in your vision. You find more practical pieces that suit your aesthetic. If you aren’t allowed to wear them in your day to day life. Might I suggest… They become part of your evening wardrobe. Going off the cottagecore theme. You can find pajamas that fit your aesthetic. And once again drudge through in your day to day life. It isn’t always about becoming the vision. But embracing aspects of it!  

The motivation to create your signature outfit! 

woman wearing an elegant outfit


If you’re lucky enough to already be the darling in your vision. Continue being that darling! But if you're struggling to get out of your lounge wear. All for the sake of comfort. You may need some motivation! Being in lounge wear is very comfortable. But it isn’t a signature outfit. A signature outfit requires clothes that actually make you feel dressed. Almost like becoming that character you envisioned . The goal is to create an outfit. That makes you feel the most like you in it. I can’t tell you what you have to wear. Darling it’s yours to find on your own.

The real work starts with you! 

two pretty woman wearing dresses and holding handbags

We’ve already discussed thinking practically, envisioning, embracing, and finding motivation. The real work starts with you! Everyone’s signature look is different. For some it’s a button up and jeans. Others might be a cardigan and jeans. And of course there are darlings who prefer skirts and dresses. The best tip I can give you is find what you prefer to wear. And soon you will be looking for pieces that suit your taste. You have to know what you're looking for. To be able to find it. 

An important thing to remember! 

happy woman in a flower field

When you first discover your signature outfit. You might love what you're wearing. But you might slowly grow uncomfortable. You might reach back for your lounge wear. Feeling overdressed is common in this day and age. But the important thing to remember is that this is your signature outfit. You have to be seen in it. For it to be associated with you. 

If you made it to the end. Thank you for reading! If you would like to read more… Here are some posts you might enjoy. How to find the perfect jeans or What classics to add to your wardrobe


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