How to find your signature handbag

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Finding your signature handbag is about finding something that completes your outfit. Is easy to carry throughout the day. And you will be able to carry everything you will need with you. It’s the last piece of the puzzle! You can tell so much about a woman just by her bag. A small bag is usually due to practicality. Or she doesn’t want to feel weighed down. A medium bag is a bit more whimsy. But still practical. A larger bag can be practical, A material glutton. Or a darling on an adventure. I honestly carry a large bag that’s a third of the way full. Convincing myself there’s room for treasures I find. Whether your signature handbag is simply a practical choice or something to carry through adventures. We are going to help you find it!

How big of a handbag do you need? 

a woman holding a leather bag

The first thing to do is think about how big of a handbag you will need. What will hold all your essentials? Don’t be afraid to gather a few bags and fill them up with everything. To see how the bag carries the items. Does it fit everything? Is there room for extras? Is it comfortable to carry? 


close up of stylish female handbag young women wearing outfit and accessories outdoors

Now you know the size you will be carrying. It’s time to think about organizing your items. Are you going to stuff everything in pockets? Are you going to simply throw everything in? Have you considered putting things in a purse organizer? Because they are brilliant! Not only can you find everything. But your bag doesn’t become a complete mess! Even using small pouches and even pencil cases can be helpful to organize your bag.

What to carry in your handbag? 

girl holding handbag

You may be wondering what to carry in your handbag. The simple answer is whatever you may need. But if you are clueless and unsure. Here’s a list.

What to carry in your handbag:

-hand sanitizer 

-hand lotion 

-hair ties

-bobby pins

-hair clips


-lip balm


-hair brush

-makeup for touch ups


-small notebook


-wet wipes




-Portable Battery Pack

-Safety Pins

-Small mirror


Invest in your signature handbag!

woman holding a handbag

Finding a signature handbag is about finding the bag you use everyday. And this bag is going to take you through your whole day. You don’t have to buy an expensive designer bag to find a quality handbag. But do find a bag that will carry everything you need without breaking or falling apart. 

If you made it to the end. Thank you for reading! If you would like to read more. You might enjoy reading… How to find your signature outfit or How to build your wardrobe with classics


How to find your signature outfit!