How to combine a classy and trendy wardrobe

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Depending on your style preferences. You may or may not want to include trends. It’s totally up to you. Dressing in a classic style has its perks. You never really have to worry about going out of style. Because everything is so timeless. But if you would like to make your wardrobe more interesting. Combining trends with your classic pieces can be a great way to do that.  Here are my tips to combine a classy wardrobe with trends. 

Does it go with your style?

woman shopping in fashion mall, choosing new clothes, looking through hangers with different garments on hangers

Does the trend that you want to include go with your style? Because if it doesn’t… It will totally ruin your outfit. It won’t feel or look right. Making sure a trend goes with your style. Making  sure you always look put together. 

Do you like this new trend?

young woman thinking

Do you truly like this new trend? Because if you do. I would go for it. But make sure you truly like it ! So you don’t waste your money on it. And remember, trends usually only last for a season. 

Does it go with your wardrobe?

model wearing casual black outfit, fashion minimalistic style, trendy accessory hat

Let’s say you have a really neutral wardrobe. In fact, when was the last time you wore color? Well, no one seems to remember that. But if you were to bring in some brightly colored trend. It probably wouldn’t go. Take a minute to really consider if it would work with your wardrobe. Because if it doesn’t. You might want to steer clear. 

Use your classics as a base!

young woman outdoors on a sunnyday

Using your classics as a base can be a great way to carry a trend. It can be as simple as a classic outfit with a trendy hand bag. Or wearing items you already own with trendy items. 

Have fun!

girl dancing in a field in white dress

These are just my suggestions. Clothes should be fun. Fashion should be fun. So if you want to go with the new crazy trend. Go for it! You decide what to wear. It might as well be fun picking out your outfit! 

If you made it to the end. Thank you for reading! If you would like to read more… Here are some posts that could help you to combine a classy and trendy wardrobe. If you are interested in finding your style or the minimal classic. I would recommend reading How to find your style and The Minimal Classic.


What classics to add to your wardrobe


Finding your classic style