How to find your style

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Everyone makes finding your style seem like some kind of journey. And for some, it might be. But I prefer to think your style evolves over time. So do your preferences. Your style evolves over the years. When your preferences change. You might have liked something else three or four years ago. Now you like something completely new. Or maybe, you’ve always known what you’ve liked. Finding your style isn’t complicated! 

What do you gravitate towards?

fashion designer making a mood board

What do you naturally gravitate towards in your wardrobe? Is it something girly or is it kinda of on the edgy side? Whatever it may be. Even if it’s an old comfy hoodie. You can identify your style. As silly as it may seem. Looking at what you gravitate towards. Is the simplests way to identify your style. If you still aren’t sure. Start a board on Pinterest and fill it with style choices you love. You’ll be able to see right in front of you what you gravitate towards. 

Identify it!

close up of magnifying glass being in the hands of a cheerful woman

This may seem simple. But it can be difficult. If you have both girly and edgy images in your Pinterest board. It may completely confuse you. What do you even call this? Identifying it can sometimes seem simple. But it can be complicated. So take a minute. Maybe, take a deep breath. Look closer. Are the edgy images girly? Are the girly images edgy? Taking a minute to really look. You can identify what you see. If you're seeing girly and edgy. Try combining the two. Or pick one. And it’s always the one you like more. If you're more of a girly girl who wants to be edgy. Try experimenting with edgy pieces in really girly colors. 

Go with what you truly want!

woman choosing clothes off of clothing wrack

If you want to be a girly girl. Do it! If you want to be edgy. Do it! Go with what you truly want to wear. Life is too short to worry about what other people want you to wear. Going with what you want to wear. Is a great way to find your style. Be unapologetically you.  

Finding the confidence to wear your style.

girl looking into mirror

Wearing what you truly want can feel daunting. Like the whole world is watching. It isn’t, darling. And even if it is. Hold your head high and walk like you're on a runway. Confidence isn’t about feeling sure in what you're wearing. It’s acknowledging that you are doing this for you. And even if no one likes your outfit. Or gives you a compliment. You should be able to like your outfit. And compliment yourself. Confidence comes with being comfortable enough to dress in the style you want. And doing it for you. 

Just have fun!

woman in elegant high heels shoes, outdoor shot

Style evolves over time. You're allowed to change your mind. You can wear the blue dress instead of the black one. Clothes are a part of your everyday life. Why not have fun? 

If you made it to the end. Thank you for reading! If you would like to read more… Here are some posts that could help you find your style. If you are interested in finding your classic style or what classics to add to your wardrobe. I would recommend reading Finding your classic style and What classics to add to your wardrobe.


Finding your classic style


How to build your wardrobe with classics