How to always feel put together!

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There you are again. Staring into your wardrobe. Feeling like you haven’t a clue as to what to wear. Probably wishing for a personal stylist, or that your wardrobe will magically turn into the one from the Beauty and the Beast. But it won’t. So your just aimlessly going through your clothes. But finding nothing. And maybe on the verge of having a meltdown. Don’t worry, my dear. I will share my tips for always feeling put together. 

Create a color palette! 

color wheel

No matter what your personal style is. Having a color palette in your wardrobe is very helpful. All your clothes go together. You won’t have to worry about making an outfit. Because you will always be able to mix and match.

Have an idea of what you need to wear!

clothes and bags hanging on a rack

This may be ludacris. But having an idea of what you need to wear is very helpful. It makes sure that you dress appropriately for the occasion. And that your clothes are practical for what you need. You wouldn’t want to walk through snow in stilettos. You would most definitely want snow boots. Plan out your outfits around what you need to wear. 

Plan out your outfits! 

woman working at desk with a notebook, pen, and laptop

Making a plan as to what you will wear, will not only save you time. But you won’t end up with a pile of clothes on the floor, searching for that one top. You can take a few minutes of your time to plan out an outfit, the night before. Or even have a day where you will plan out everything for the week. Or simply know each morning. Make a plan that is most effective for you.

Organize your wardrobe!  

rack with clothes inside closet

Having an organized wardrobe makes it super easy to find everything! And you're more likely to be able to make a cute outfit. If you can find that cute top.  Instead of making a mess. Trying to find that top. 

Create a signature outfit! 

model posing in coat

Think of someone you adore. What do they usually wear? Can you identify it? Could you walk pass a store window and think of someone you know wearing that outfit? It’s probably because it’s part of their signature outfit. Having your own signature outfit not only makes it super easy to feel put together. But it also makes it super easy to plan out your outfits. And search for future outfits! 

If you made it to the end. Thank you for reading! If you would like to read more… Here are some posts that could help you always feel put together. If you are interested in how to combine a classy and trendy wardrobe or what classics to add to your wardrobe. I would recommend reading How to combine a classy and trendy wardrobe and What classics to add to your wardrobe.


The Minimal Classic


What classics to add to your wardrobe